A Poem for no good reason

Hot sticky flesh on flesh, tangled in sheets
Freckles gazed at like constellations, nipples tasted like ice cream
Sun streaming through seeping ancient window planes
causing shadows on skin by curves so luscious and soft.

Core, coil, cunt and tongue
Open, opening wide and hungry for more
Two fingers tight, hot laced with desperation and need
Metal framed bed, squeak and sway

Thighs thick and wound tight, feet crossed at the end
Toes, toes curling, toes flexing, toes digging into flesh behind

The stroke, first light and deep
Becomes shallow rapidly, like a top speeding to completion before falling still

Big Moma Thornton, with waters and muddy blues caressing the airwaves
Tongues dancing in time, keeping time and pace
Sounds of the body mixed with sounds of the soul
driving higher the coil inside to a peak and crescendo of utter bliss tainted with sorrow.

No words for what this is, no words for what it was
No need for tears, no need for regret
No time for savoring or playing another tune
Just time to draw on the images of who we were and take our leave.

Hitting the street, feet after feet and then it comes
Sky opening to hot summer rain and thunder
Tears camouflaged by nature
Worries washed away as I look back and say goodbye with a glance

Another new beginning turned to an end…….


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