B2.6.19.17, How smart is dumb

Anonymity be my name
B2.6.19.17, How smart is dumb

Today I got into a bit of a heated debate with a co-worker and got so frustrated I hung up. I should not behave that way and tomorrow without taking back what I said I will need to apologize for the way I said things and communicated. Keeping my side of the street clean, owning my own crap even though i’m still quite annoyed. But for today, in the very personal and anonymous blog space I can rant and vent. Please forgive me for spreading my negativity and I hope you can leave it here after reading.

What I want to say is first of all why, why??? Why do please speak from a place of knowledge and confidence on things they don’t understand or know about. Why do people when confronted with their ignorance choose to stand behind it at all costs instead of owning their shit? And finally why when someone approaches you with information that could be helpful to your job to your life to your existence do people fight that despite being present facts and figures?

Also, I wonder what the demographics are on human IQ. How many people are an “average” IQ, how many sit in a sub-par space and how many and at what varying degrees are above the “average”. I wonder this because so I often when moving through the world I think that person is crazy, or that person is just not very bright. It is often surprising to me how many people there are who are just not smart. Now I don’t mean book smart, I mean level or capacity for intelligent thinking. Why is it that so many people are afraid to try new things, have confidence in their own ability to figure things out and attempt greatness or failure. Now mind you I just wonder, my laziness will prevent me from doing the research (have I mentioned I hate research) and by tomorrow I’ll be wondering about other things and not care.

I often wonder at my own IQ level and have no idea. I know that in some areas I’m completely ignorant and have no interest - like most things scientific. Whereas in all things mathematical I excell and even make a living at it, I also competed in mathletes as a child. I am a horrible speller, I hate following traditional grammar and syntax rules although if I need to I can. I struggled to learn to read and got started late but then later went on to get a degree in English Literature. I’m not bragging I’m simply curious about my brain and being a bit narcissistic about how my brain compares to others. I got soso results on the SAT with a 1010 but when taking a mechanical Marine Corps entrance exam I scored 100% - makes me wonder about my scientific block.

Also I wonder how IQ level relates to socio economic status, are people who grow up around those who are educated and with access to knowledge grow smarter from youth or does the average level of IQ have absolutely nothing to do with access to traditional knowledge tools and resources.

I also wonder why sometimes lower IQ people can mask this with big words and seemingly intelligent speech. I once hired someone who totally had me fooled. They interviewed well, seemed knowledgeable and a great thinker but once in their job seemed absolutely unable to synthesize information and leverage it to complete their work. I was dumbstruck on how I could have been so easily fooled.

Okay so I do hate research but all my ranting had me curious so I looked it up, thank you internet and Google ease of use. The average human IQ ranges from 90-110 and 130 is considered gifted. However there are some factors that can contribute to the test not accurately portraying some people's IQ. 64% of test takers are between 84-114 and now i’ve just spent 28 minutes taking a “Free” IQ test only to be told at the end I needed to pay for the results proving I must be about average to not have picked up on that and supporting my earlier statement that I hate researching. I think a researcher would have read reviews and comments first.

And now I’m tired, rant over it's time for rest.


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