B4.6.27.17, Design Flaws

Anonymity be my name
B4.6.27.17, Design Flaws

I hate cramps! Talk about a design flaw, why do we need to feel pain when our body is expelling blood from our uterus? Seriously we get all the fun! Not to mention the mood swings and the inconvenience of having to be prepared to essentially wear a diaper or shove a stick up your vagina for 3 to 7 days a month. Ya, ya I know we get the joy of being able to create life in our body and birth a child, but let's be honest - that is no field day. Pregnancy is work, you are exhausted from day one, often sick to your stomach and generally feel bloated and often in pain for about 9 months. Then we get the “Joy” of childbirth, don’t let me get started on that farce. The only thing great about being the female sex if you ask me if motherhood, there is something truly amazing about being handed this tiny creature you’ve created in your body - for about a day, then the exhaustion and work sets in and we’re back to asking the question WHY??.

Now if I were to envision a truly fair reproductive system men and women would get the joint “pleasures” of the pain and suffering that is monthly menstruation and child rearing. It's only fair right?

Talking about design flaws, who ever thought up breasts and testicles had to have had a sense of humor. Seriously, gross hairy sacs protruding from the body to house sperm sacs? Now why couldn’t that have either been integrated into to the size of the penis (bigger is better according to men and women alike) or just housed internally to prevent pain and suffering from so many ops! And breasts…. Why if perky A cups just as functional at feeding children as ridiculously large F and G cup breasts do some of us have to suffer the lifelong pain that is too large breasts keeping us from fun activities like running comfortably and never being able to find clothes and bathing suits that fit right. If we have to have them can’t they all just be gloriously small and functional? My Triple D cup, sometimes F cup breasts didn’t even work right at breast feeding when it came to the time where they would have been handy. Talk about nature having a sense of humor - it just isn’t fair.


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